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大家在看踏星 我在异界有座城 守卫者之星际狂飙 化身二次元萌妹 快穿之金手指试用员 魔王进化史 高危职业 快穿:重回巅峰 快穿逆袭:娇妻黑化ing 我在决斗都市玩卡牌 
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第15章 后记304.242.42

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"Isn't that bad?

Li Dongpi asked: "How did they get out?"

The elder brother and third brother easily heard this pliment. Their strength was so strong that the Freemasons were naturally talking about it. No wonder Hua Ai's mother also heard it.

But this only happens if the flying insects are not under direct control. If controlled by an intelligent unit such as an evolution, the flying insects would simply attack the aircraft.

Although he is over seventy years old, he is very sober and does not look old at all.

It only takes 1 seemingly insignificant experience to balance your experience bar.

but now?

Each side sees the other as a threat, but when an arrow hits the wire, they must shoot. "."

"Mr. Banh, this is not good. Our new facility is not short of manpower. We will need manpower soon!"

Liu Mingyu wandered back to the new world.

There seems to be an eighth catalyst in life and death. Chen Yingxi crossed his arms and looked out the window angrily, with tears in his eyes.

Mission requirements: Destroy level 10 monsters or zombies (the number of species is limited).

When Black and White came into contact with his body and stabilized, a cold wind hit him!

This is an island under the jurisdiction of Taiwan Province, but close to Fuhai Province!

no way.

The main reason is that Lu Minyu has never been affected by illusions. He just knew that there was no way to break the illusion.

Every time the tuna zombies are transplanted, Liu Mingyu will tell them to destroy the tuna zombies first and then destroy them.

What is restored is the current physical body, which is very different from the closed physical body.

This is an important reason why Tencent has always been strong. "."

Dean Tong nodded. According to this distance, it would take Wu Dong a day to reach the base. "."



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