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第94章 深渊居民的领域

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条目 9

随着恍惚持续到随后的循环中,冲突的共鸣激起了王国的更深层次 - 但希望仍然存在,因为骚乱在战斗人员之间表现出平等而不是优势的迹象。符文表示实用主义和谨慎,加强了穆尔克对抗恐怖之主猛攻的无畏精神。虽然观察者只能等待以这样或那样的方式宣布审判结果的号角,但信仰通过保存每一个收集到的碎片来辨别解决方案,无论采取何种形式,都会经久不衰。在所有监护人之间分享事实是我们的力量。

条目 10

时期以能量结束,但动荡 - 但观察者的信仰维持着王国的完整性,以抵御破坏的入侵。记录保存了收集到的每一个迹象,即理解的编织可能会不间断地传播,直到挑战最终揭示他们的答案。因此,我们的守夜将持续下去,直到预兆过去,澄清梦魇的失败或为未来的入侵做准备。看不见的力量引导着所有致力于平衡的毅力 - 通过警惕和团结,智慧与和平将指引我们的道路。

Whatever he thought, Frank didn't know it.

Is it because human wisdom cannot understand God's vision, or is it because some have surrendered themselves?

He didn't know, but he knew what would happen if he continued.

Even God who works miracles and brings good news finds it difficult to control God's creation.

Is it love? The "Old Ruler" he created.

Their nature, what they are and what abilities they have is a mystery to Frank.

Frank reads the stories Love writes, but knows little about the dark gods and their creatures.

However, this understanding only es from the news, the imaginations and imaginations of people who do not know the news, and are full of weak information.

Even after reading the story, I don't know what these gods are.

But in any case, love goes terribly wrong.

Her eyes are as gentle as ever, her voice is as gentle as ever, and her appearance is as beautiful and charming as ever.

But something must be different, something has changed, something terrible has happened.

Frank knew nothing of this dark future, inhuman horrors, or anything else.

Uncertainty is a source of fear, perceived uncertainty is real uncertainty, otherwise it is ignorance.

He was not proud of his ignorance, nor was he satisfied with Thor's magical powers.

As time passed, Frank became more and more anxious.

Love was confused but his eyes knew that Frank couldn't stop his thoughts, he remembered what happened before, everything from his birth was in his eyes It started to show.



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