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第51章 尼克托斯

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"Frogman, frog god," Fang nodded, and his male panion next to him recorded what Fang had said. He looked at the registration form and asked, "What is it?"

“You should know, you should know too.” Fang Mu looked at the other person and said seriously. "The Frog God is a totem that some people believe in, but he betrayed their trust."

``Okay, second question.'' A Fang noticed that Fang Mu seemed to be trying to suppress his anger and remain rational and calm. He also picked up the pace of asking, "Does what you did matter to you?"

"I didn't do it, but it must have something to do with me." Juan Mu took a deep breath and said, "I was cursed by the frog god. They will find me, and then I will die." I hope.”

Yong-hwan was surprised that Hwan-moo was able to quickly reply, "So, you pissed off the frog god, so the village got caught up in you."

Fan Mu felt a little shameless in front of the harsh gazes of those around him. He closed his eyes, bowed his head, and remained silent.

After a long silence, Juan Mu suddenly seemed to remember something and said, ``Also, besides me, they may be looking for something else.'' It’s a hammer.”

284 Dive

Inside the convoy, his deputy, Mr. Yasuyoshi, turned to Mr. Fang Mu. Fang Mu sat quietly with his head bowed in the gap between the railings and his eyes closed. He then turned to An Huang, who was sitting in the passenger seat, and asked, "Mr. An, do you believe what he said?"

Yong Hwang shook his head and said, ``I don't pletely believe him, but I tend to think he's telling the truth. We just don't understand clearly. What he told us is exactly what he said: ``Thoughts are ``reality.''''

The lieutenant dug out a pile of papers from a leather bag behind his back and took out some of them. He read it several times, and each time he felt disbelief and said with emotion: "I really can't imagine that this person is actually the son of Soldier Fan Peng. Judging by Soldier Fan Peng's wonderful behavior, they say goodbye to them." Mr. Peng, except for his face, is really his son. They don't look alike. ”



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站内强推武道凌天 吞天剑神 专职保镖 随身带着复制系统 盛宠医品夫人 海贼之幻影 我,装了三年废物,出手人间无敌 沙雕捉妖师 养成系统之完美女神 我以熟练度苟长生 网游重生:恶魔军少,轻轻吻 藏武 鬼王绝宠,爱妃别想逃 真莽夫,绝不摆烂! 上帝使用手册 紫禁城诞生之我成了异界创世神 王的女人谁敢动 大魔王娇养指南 破云 心若相知看红尘 
经典收藏签到系统,异界建立杀手组织 多子多福,我的子孙上万了 靠谱现代人,穿越异世界后 奇幻:从今天开始当领主 无限重生:穿越成魔物有何妨 重生变成蚯蚓,拜师大佬 修仙:家族跟着我崛起 重生成器灵 八步焚屠 仙皇帝尊 抢夺主角光环 超级修炼系统内 魂帝觉醒 蛮荒鳄魔 概念神:我将能力与修仙完美结合 制霸斗罗之召唤师 被绿后,我在太古矿区每天爆神装 诸天:文明培育师 姐夫,带我成仙! 穿书炮灰反派后,女主向我表白了 
最近更新诸界神王 全洪荒都是穿越者! 外来星际世界 水浒:和八戒寻找三国来客 玄幻:开局重瞳,悟性逆天 无敌荒帝:退婚当天,一剑斩九妻 魂穿武道世界,我带女儿修仙 香火证道,开局被偷吃贡品! 李云飞的玄幻逆袭之路 万道虚天鼎 功法赋我双修大阴阳混沌诀 诸天仙缘 女帝逼我二选一,然后系统就来了 手下十万亿,我的魔国无敌了! 大秦:我即国运,建立不朽仙秦 叶青帝 至尊仙途风云 修行超脱,熟练度面板助我苦练 狐娘的疯癫修仙休闲日常 我,大口鲶鱼,觅长生 
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