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大家在看都市捉妖人 武魂大陆:开局觉醒神级武魂系统 剑道乾坤 一世倾城 混世矿工 神印王座II皓月当空 玄幻:开局从坑老婆开始 回到农家当幺女 御天邪神 末世:从加点开始无限进化 
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第32章 尼克斯泰拉

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Linlin ignored the blind octopus running around in the tank like crazy and gently put the blind octopus back into the tank. Quick, dirty bubbles overflow from his body, each bubble seeming to carry his endless cries of despair.

After such a crazy scene, Chen Xiaolin found that everyone around her was staring blankly, ignoring the cruel scene just now. In this space, it seemed like the most normal space.

"If we both eat these eyeballs, we will be able to live underwater," Linlin said with a smile. He took the handkerchief next to him and wiped the sinful slime off his hands.

“Thank you for the gift.” Li Duojin smiled and was about to accept it, and also asked about the price of a pair of items.

Seeing this, Chen Xiaolin, who was stunned, quickly stood up and immediately stopped Li Duojin's actions. He gave Ling Ling a dry smile and said, “Ah, boss, I don’t really understand about those two eyeballs. Could you introduce them in more detail?”


A black cat with incredibly large claws flew out of nowhere and landed on the counter. Then he came to Ling Ling with elegant and noble steps, meekly curled up under Ling Ling's generous hands, and felt fortable. Two golden catboys appeared in a lazy posture, staring at Chen Xiaolin as if trying to peer into his heart.

"Of course." Ling Ling said kindly as she stroked the cat, "After eating your eyes, you will shed your human body and transform into a body that can move freely in the water and help you out of your current difficult situation." I said with a smile. sufficient. "

Chen Xiaolin felt the coldness in her heart freezing her teeth. he asked with a dull smile. "Well, I'm very happy with my current body. Is there anyone who can help us maintain our original body and at the same time?" What is the way out of this situation? ”



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站内强推武道凌天 吞天剑神 官榜 快穿宿主开挂了 盛宠医品夫人 海贼之幻影 沙雕捉妖师 龙族之掌控雷电 我的贴身校花 我是自己的妹妹 骑砍:牧民帝国 我拥有无数系统 紫禁城诞生之我成了异界创世神 攻略男主套路深 大夏武神 穿越火线之英雄有梦 神秘老公,别宠我! 软萌甜心:恶魔哥哥太宠我 心若相知看红尘 血枪 
经典收藏签到系统,异界建立杀手组织 多子多福,我的子孙上万了 靠谱现代人,穿越异世界后 奇幻:从今天开始当领主 无限重生:穿越成魔物有何妨 重生变成蚯蚓,拜师大佬 重生成器灵 狱出枭龙! 超级修炼系统内 魂帝觉醒 仙道长明 武道升级器 概念神:我将能力与修仙完美结合 大佬的小可爱甜度超标了 界王 开局签到天神卫 我修炼有外挂 妖狼武尊 姐夫,带我成仙! 穿书炮灰反派后,女主向我表白了 
最近更新失控剑魔,我在高武世界有亿点帅 女帝逼我二选一,然后系统就来了 玄幻长生,我带全宗搞丧葬 君临万界,从开局无上帝境开始 厨神,宗门上下竟为一碗饭疯狂 洪荒,圣二代,推翻天庭做玉帝 无尽暗狱 开局禁忌面板,这个神子无敌了! 炼气抢婚大帝,你当这里是女频? 洪荒:造化青莲,开局创灵根一族 风流极品小仙医 肉身成圣,映照诸天 武道修行者的执念 刚成一流,结果你说这是修仙世界 转世重生,回归地球之后 从河伯野神开始香火证道 丹神萧羽 人在洪荒,三清团宠 身有武道树,练一功法长一道果 心念通达,一天突破一个新境界! 
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