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第13章 扭曲的森林

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Then Yu Lianyun said, "We don't know where this is. There are very few people here who can help us... We can only use the cold machine to record the spatial direction when we came. Withdrawal. has been tested. Get out.'' This is a place where you can exit again through the entrance. ”

Li Jiahong felt anxious. He was now worried about his wife's safety and didn't know if he would ever find his son and Xue Hanley's three-year-old daughter, who have been missing for 15 years, but he knew he couldn't act alone. So I read it again. What do you do now? ”

“Please find your wife, Gufuoniao,” Li Jian’an said, patting Li Jiahong’s shoulder.

``Gufuo bird?'' Li Jiahong was surprised for a moment, but then he heard from He Jian and the others about the origin of the monster that his wife had transformed.

Li Jian'an said, "Only your wife can fight the modified animals here. We tried to fight one of the modified animals here before, but we almost failed to explain it here." I explained. He bowed his head with a wicked grin and said, He glanced at his left arm. It appears that he was attacked by a modified animal and suffered a fracture in his left arm. Even though I could hardly move now, I felt pain every time I moved.

Li, Yu Lianyun, and Li Yinchi almost did their best, even using forbidden weapons, and finally killed the modified animal, which may or may not have been modified by humans. And no one could kill such a corrupt and powerful creature. This exotic city and rugged rocky landscape is home to countless people.

Human power is still small. Compared to blowfish and their shapeshifting animals, they are as fragile as toilet paper, tearing and being manipulated at will.

Hearing that the three members of the secret team in front of him wanted to rely on their wives, who had turned into monster mothers, to act as bodyguards for thugs, Li Jiahong still felt an indescribable strangeness, but at that moment, he I wasn't there. I was in a playful mood and couldn't laugh at all. All he could say was, "So how do I find it?"



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站内强推武道凌天 吞天剑神 专职保镖 随身带着复制系统 盛宠医品夫人 四合院:我中医满级,禽兽酸了 我,装了三年废物,出手人间无敌 沙雕捉妖师 我以熟练度苟长生 网游重生:恶魔军少,轻轻吻 藏武 鬼王绝宠,爱妃别想逃 上帝使用手册 攻略男主套路深 八零女配养娃记 时隔多年之后,第二次心动 四合院之系统逼我当反派 王的女人谁敢动 大魔王娇养指南 心若相知看红尘 
经典收藏签到系统,异界建立杀手组织 多子多福,我的子孙上万了 靠谱现代人,穿越异世界后 奇幻:从今天开始当领主 无限重生:穿越成魔物有何妨 无源魔帝 修仙:家族跟着我崛起 重生成器灵 仙皇帝尊 抢夺主角光环 超级修炼系统内 魂帝觉醒 概念神:我将能力与修仙完美结合 界王 我修炼有外挂 玄幻:异界纨绔开局送神女 妖狼武尊 被绿后,我在太古矿区每天爆神装 诸天:文明培育师 穿书炮灰反派后,女主向我表白了 
最近更新悟空神话再临 炎皇战体之争霸天下 我在新手村悄悄惊艳全世界 欺我弟子?真以为我是个废柴峰主? 灵风传奇之小刚冒险记 水浒:和八戒寻找三国来客 玄幻:开局重瞳,悟性逆天 无敌荒帝:退婚当天,一剑斩九妻 逆世灵霄:诸域神话 魂穿武道世界,我带女儿修仙 香火证道,开局被偷吃贡品! 万道虚天鼎 苦修三十年才突破?我直接献祭速通! 关于宇宙的理解 功法赋我双修大阴阳混沌诀 洪荒:重生棋盘山小神灵 以血为契之叶凌 手下十万亿,我的魔国无敌了! 厨神,宗门上下竟为一碗饭疯狂 至尊仙途风云 
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