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大家在看都市捉妖人 武魂大陆:开局觉醒神级武魂系统 武逆焚天 超维术士 山野小仙医 创始道纪 凡人宗门:称霸诸天万界 无敌召唤之最强人皇 末世:从加点开始无限进化 武神至尊 
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第13章 扭曲的森林

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The first chairman of a mysterious society appeared 50 years ago. At that time, the Hokusho Tunnel had not yet opened and it was still an unknown mountain. When we took our members camping and picnicking in Arayama, where the Hokusho Tunnel is located, one of the members happened to discover a suspicious cave in the mountain.

Led by the chairman and brave club people, they decide to explore deep into the cave. By chance, they discovered a bottomless pit beneath the cave. They went all the way up the spiral staircase. After many hours, they finally reach the basement, where they find a tomb inscribed with unknown runes. In one of the tombs, an altar with ancient books was discovered inside, and the shocking photographs and texts revealed "advanced" knowledge about ancient disasters.

Relying on their intelligence and amazing perseverance, these people, later deciphered from ancient books of pufferfish, left behind rituals that granted wishes by making deals with the pufferfish, a race of extradimensional life. They tried to perform the ritual... Some were frightened by the strange phenomena that appeared during the ritual, but they will never forget the joy of having their wish e true.

It is a pity that it turned out that this ritual is performed only once in a lifetime.

In order to share this secret, the first president decided to pass it down from generation to generation within the club. However, as time passed, and in the generation of Mrs. Huang Qitao and Mrs. Li Jiahong, the president was a romantic, so there was no time to pass on to the next president. , died according to the will he had made, and society ended.

Huang Qishao looked at old maps at a local library in Shenzhou and pared them many times to confirm that the mountaintop where the Beixiang Tunnel is located is the same mountain that the first president and others explored at the time. However, a tunnel had already been developed in this cave. Hidden in a landfill.



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站内强推武道凌天 吞天剑神 快穿宿主开挂了 盛宠医品夫人 海贼之幻影 我,装了三年废物,出手人间无敌 沙雕捉妖师 我以熟练度苟长生 网游重生:恶魔军少,轻轻吻 我的贴身校花 我是自己的妹妹 我拥有无数系统 嫁权贵:三爷野性难驯 大夏武神 神秘老公,别宠我! 大荒蛮神 软萌甜心:恶魔哥哥太宠我 破云 心若相知看红尘 血枪 
经典收藏签到系统,异界建立杀手组织 多子多福,我的子孙上万了 奇幻:从今天开始当领主 无限重生:穿越成魔物有何妨 重生变成蚯蚓,拜师大佬 修仙:家族跟着我崛起 重生成器灵 仙皇帝尊 抢夺主角光环 超级修炼系统内 魂帝觉醒 武道升级器 蛮荒鳄魔 界王 我修炼有外挂 玄幻:异界纨绔开局送神女 妖狼武尊 诸天:文明培育师 姐夫,带我成仙! 穿书炮灰反派后,女主向我表白了 
最近更新失控剑魔,我在高武世界有亿点帅 开局女子监狱修仙:出狱秒杀一切 女帝逼我二选一,然后系统就来了 两界交易,开局泡面换人参 大秦:我即国运,建立不朽仙秦 洪荒,圣二代,推翻天庭做玉帝 至尊仙途风云 狐娘的疯癫修仙休闲日常 元一天尊 炼气抢婚大帝,你当这里是女频? 洪荒:造化青莲,开局创灵根一族 玄幻:开局吃软饭,出世即儒圣 逼我出宗门,我成仙帝你哭啥? 肉身成圣,映照诸天 武道修行者的执念 厨神:精灵?魅魔?是餐厅服务员 被陷害的我,反手灭了仇家满门! 从河伯野神开始香火证道 富贵历险记 心念通达,一天突破一个新境界! 
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